Building Super Teams

And Leading Through Collaboration

Hey Team,

I started thinking about all of the awesome people I have worked with over the last decade (plus) and the things that I’ve learned from them. I decided that instead of just writing something up, I would have a conversation with a real human. Wild, right?! I think I accidentally spawned a new video series and I’m calling it, “Talking to Humans”.

Today's chat dives into the magic behind creating super teams and leading with a collaborative spirit. I had an insightful conversation with my buddy Dom, who's had a roller-coaster ride in the tech world and recently branched out to build his own agency, House of Giants. You can check out the full video here or check out some of the clips I’ve dropped in throughout.

Here are some takeaways from our chat that can help anyone looking to bolster their team's dynamics and leadership approach.

1. The Right People Make the Perfect Team Building super teams starts with picking people who not only excel in their roles but are passionate about what they do. Dom shared that the best teams emerge when everyone on board loves their work. It’s about the passion that fuels the collective drive and creativity of the team, leading to innovation and effectiveness. This aligns with Google's Project Aristotle findings, which emphasize the importance of psychological safety in teams, allowing members to take risks and voice their opinions without fear.

2. Clear Communication and Transparency A super team thrives on clear communication and transparency. Whether it’s discussing project challenges or sharing success, keeping everyone in the loop creates a supportive and trustworthy environment. This openness fosters mutual respect and understanding among team members, enhancing collaboration. According to MIT's Human Dynamics Laboratory, clear communication is one of the key factors that predict team success, even more so than individual intelligence levels.

3. Choose Projects (and people) Wisely Dom’s transition from traditional agency constraints to his own startup was driven by the desire to choose projects that truly resonate with his team's values and interests. This choice has not only made work more enjoyable but also more meaningful, as they work with clients who share similar values. This strategic alignment increases team motivation and satisfaction, as evidenced by Deloitte’s insights on employee engagement showing that work aligned with personal values drives higher job satisfaction.

4. Autonomy and Empowerment Empowering team members by giving them autonomy in their roles is crucial. Dom emphasizes the importance of letting experts be experts, allowing team members to own their decisions and contributions fully. This empowerment leads to a more engaged and motivated team. Research from Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory highlights that autonomy is a fundamental human need that enhances performance and well-being in the workplace.

5. Facing and Embracing Challenges Together Every team faces challenges, but super teams use these as stepping stones to greater success. Open discussions about failures and missteps are as important as celebrating wins. This balanced approach ensures learning and growth from every experience. According to Harvard Business Review, teams that openly address their failures improve their potential for future success by learning from what went wrong.

6. The Role of Leadership in Fostering Collaboration As leaders, it’s our job to set the tone for collaboration. This means being approachable, ready to discuss ideas, and open to feedback. It’s about creating an environment where team members feel valued and heard, fostering a culture of shared goals and mutual support. Simon Sinek, a thought leader in organizational culture, emphasizes that leaders who create a circle of safety where people feel they belong and are protected lead to stronger, more innovative, and more resilient teams.

I was expecting Dom to pick specific people or skills out when I asked him about building a team and you can see the smile hit my face when he started with simply finding people who love the work that they do. Not people who are over the top about their job being their life or their work being the best thing in the world, but good people who take pride in doing great work.

Stay awesome,

Mike Bal


If you happen to be one of the awesome humans I have worked with and want to set up a chat some time, let me. The response has already been really strong for this format and I’ll be trying to make it a regular thing.